International Opportunities – ERASMUS+

Carlow Institute, now with accredited status, participates in the Erasmus+, European Union’s programmes supporting education and training through mobility and international links.
Through Erasmus+ we offer students and staff the opportunity to enhance their experiences in an international context through funded residential trips to partner organisations across Europe. Research shows that participating in overseas educational experiences enhances students’ progression opportunities, as well as developing a wide range of personal skills, including confidence and intercultural awareness. At Carlow Institute we have developed links with colleges across Europe and have scheduled student visits which offer amazing opportunities to develop cultural and educational awareness and to understand the international dimension of the occupational areas. International visits are brilliant learning experiences and are significant enhancements to your CV too!
Following our themes of Academic Integrity, Transversal Skills and Work Based Learning, our participants have availed in Micro credentials, Job Shadowing, training and courses throughout Europe.
Collaborations in Finland, Denmark, The Netherlands Czech Republic and Portugal have greatly added to learning experiences at Carlow Institute.
Carlow Institute looks forward to continuing their involvement in Erasmus+ and offering enriching experiences for staff and students alike.